
Friday, November 14, 2014

New Layout & The Furbanks Squirrels!

Hey everyone! Sorry that this post was a bit late, I had a lot of things holding me up! Our home computer was acting up a bit and it needed fixing, and the power went out earlier tonight, preventing me from working on my blog. Now, everything is back in place, and here's an update for you guys!

First off, I re-designed my blog theme and layout! I added new features and links, plus a better background. I have finally added some pages to my blog, an about page and a families page - I'd love it if you'd check both out! I might add some more tabs later on, but for now, it's an improvement! Also, I listed all of my favorite blogs on the sidebar over there, so take a peek for your name! :)

Lastly, I would like to introduce my Furbanks Squirrel Family, who are actors & actresses!

From left to right - Sister Greta, Mother Emma, Father Kenneth & Brother Douglas. 

~ I know this wasn't my usual type of post, but I hope you enjoyed! More fun to come soon!
♥ jυlιa 


  1. Your new blog theme and layout are beautiful, Julia! Thank you so much for the link on your sidebar too! It's always fun to see what you are up to over here! xo Jennifer

    1. Thank you, Jennifer, and you are welcome! :)

  2. Hi Julia,
    thank you very much for adding me and for your kind comment ! I follow your blog too! Your new decoration is very pretty!
    Your stories are so cute. I love Marvin and Maggie on their motorcycle! ;)
    Have a beautiful week.

    1. Thank you so much Capucine! <3 So sweet of you!!

  3. Found your blog from Somnium's comments! I love your pictures and posts. Following you :)

  4. They're very cute! I like the new layout it looks beautiful! I love all your outdoor photos, they inspire me to take some of my own! ;)

    1. Thanks Paige! Ooh great, I'd love to see yours once you take them! ^^
